Choosing a Linux Distro -- Mandriva is a good choice

Ali Almahdi

I formated my laptop after experimenting with Mac OSX, I wanted a good distro to be used on my laptop. Keeping in mind that I have a very good experience with Unix like systems, Especially Linux and FreeBSD. On my desktop, I have been dual booting Slackware Linux and FreeBSD. I used to use Fedora on my laptop before experimenting with Mac. Since I experiment a lot with my laptop, I wanted a distro that got everything on its DVD, like Slackware or Fedora. For Slackware, I will require to do lots of Customizations which I don't have time for on my laptop. Fedora is perfect, however, I hate those almost daily updates which are huge in size. Few Months ago, I have tried Mandriva, and I really liked it, however, I had to do some experiments and I formatted on my older laptop. Today, I have installed Mandriva.
The Installation:
It's really nice, very fast and responsive.. It gave me the option to copy the DVD to the hard drive, it really improves the install time!
Updates: After a full install, the whole update for my all packages was only about 530MB to download! Unlike Fedora that required 1.2GB of downloads!!
Overall: Mandriva is a very good Distro, everything comes on the DVD. Giving the option to have a full running system to do your job even without internet connection. Unlike Ubuntu!