Last will and testament of Ali Almahdi
Last updated: December 21, 2023
Being a Muslim, I believe that death is inevitable and that it is a matter of time before I die. I also believe that I will be held accountable for my actions in this life. Therefore, I have decided to write this will to ensure that my family and friends are taken care of after my death.
I request that this will be followed as closely as possible.
Tombstone and burial
I would like to be buried in Manama Cemetery, Bahrain near my grandparents.
I would like my tombstone to have the following:
- My name: Ali Almahdi in Arabic (علي المهدي)
- My date of death.
- A Quranic verse: (وَكَلْبُهُم بَاسِطٌ ذِرَاعَيْهِ بِالْوَصِيدِ) "while their dog stretched his forelegs at the entrance" - Quran 18:18
- The story is about the people of the cave. They were persecuted for their faith, and they fled to a cave where they slept for 309 years. On their way to the cave, the dog followed them and survived with them. As the villagers didn't survive.
- I chose this verse because just like the dog who survived with the people of the cave, I have faith that I will survive the judgment day and enter heaven as I'm following the Islamic faith and Ahlulbayt.
My family
I have been blessed with a loving family.
Note: I'm currently divorced.
- Both my parents are alive and well.
- I have 3 siblings, a brother and two sisters.
- I have 3 kids.
- My eldest is a daughter, her name is Sara.
- My second is a son, his name is Hassan.
- My youngest is a daughter, her name is Fatima.
People to be notified of my death
- My parents
- My siblings
- My kids
- My friends (no specific order) - They shall take care of my funeral and burial
- Qassim
- Yaseen Mohammed
- Mohammed Jawad
- Habib Alkaabi
- Haytham
- Mohammed Khalil
- Yousif Alaam
- Hassan Alnashaba
- Hassan Hussain